Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Motocross is fun. Have you ever participated in motocross or spectated an event?


Emily Z. said...

I never have. I've always wanted to but my mommy wouldn't ever let me. :(

erinc said...

I want to do motocross but the only thing my parents let me drive is the four wheeler.

emilyy t said...

nope never, id want to, it looks like fun i have a friend whos going or might already be pro though.


Dave said...

no unfortunately not, but I'd like to ... Through my exchange student organization I'm not allowed to drive anything here in the US otherwise I probably would have tried it here...great sport!!!!

CALAN said...

i have spectated moto x events before i got to my friends races all the time. they seem like a lot of fun.

Jim G. said...

I used to have some dirtbikes but outgrew them and got a new KFX 700 V-Force ATV, its super quick

TravisD said...

I go to many motocross events at area 51 and other tracks.

Mandie said...

I have been at races and watched them and i will never ride or race for myself

Makin It Rain All Over!!!!! said...

nope. id like to though....